Saturday, February 21, 2009

Play Play Play

Last Saturday for Valentine's, our friends Amber & Peter watched Trenton while Ryan and I went out to lunch. It was the third time that we've driven in the car without Baby T in the back seat, and it still feels weird! When I don't have Trenton, I walk around the whole time thinking, "These people don't even know I have a baby!" It's hard to reconcile the new mommy me with the old "carefree" me—the girl who used to walk into a store with just a purse. (No diaper bag, no baby.)

Anyway, it was a much-needed breath of fresh air to be out and have a couple of hours to focus on just each other. Thanks, Amber & Peter!

Then this weekend we got a chance to tend their adorable little girl, Chloe. Trenton is finally big enough to be aware of Chloe, so it was hilarious to see them interacting. Here are a few action shots:

Yes, I let them watch Saturday morning cartoons...They lasted about 5 minutes before they realized there were much better things to do, like roll, walk, or look for cords. (Chloe shows me what baby proofing I need to do before Trent becomes mobile!)

Thanks for coming to play, Chloe! Come again soon!

Next up, we have Trenton's first experience with a sippy cup. He might not get much out, but I was surprised at how well he holds it. Go T!

And of course, I saved the best for last...An image you just may never forget.

I love those buns!


  1. How old is Chloe? She reminds me of Olivia (who is 13 months).
    That last picture is HILARIOUS! And Ryan's pretty brave to be standing in the line of fire...!

  2. Such a cute smiley baby. Glad you had a chance to go out with Ryan baby-free! I love your updates, keep them coming! XOXO.

  3. Ohhh... Trenton's first girlfriend! She's a cutie. I LOVE baby buns! When Madilyn was around the same age as T, Tom was holding her after her bath, and Landen shouted "Look! She has polka dot buns!"

  4. I love their little buns, too. so squishable! I know what you mean about being without the baby. I am always worrying I left Madeline somewhere because I'm so used to carting her and all the stuff around. But it's sure nice to have an adult conversation over dinner!

  5. Oh Erica how cute! I love the buns pic! You guys are so fantastic. I wish we could live by you forever.

  6. I can't believe how fast he is growing up!! I am so glad that you were able to get a fun night out together. We sure love your sweet family!

  7. I LOVE you blogs. Keep them coming. How fun! XOX

  8. How am I the last to see this?! Sorry I'm behind.

    That Baby T is so adorable! I love him! He is such a cute little chunker. And he totally has Ryan's eyes.

    I'm glad you and Ryan could fall in love again and have a nice lunch out! You look gorgeous...I love your dress!

  9. Erica I just love your blog. It always makes me smile when I read it. You are such a wonderful, cute, and fun mommy. Your two men have it pretty darn good!
