Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just Because She's Cute

Trying on a new bow, which sadly is a little small. I've passed my big head on to all of our babies!

"Oh Mom, these fingers are just SO good!"

Hanging out in the lobby, watching her brothers run circles and do somersaults.

As I always say—too much cuteness to handle! We can't wait to come share her cuteness with our Utah family soon!

*Don't miss T's preschool graduation post below this one.

Preschool Grad

This big boy is moving on to kindergarten! We had the best preschool experience the last two years at St. Andrew's Lutheran church. Ten kids with four incredibly loving teachers, who have all been there for 15 to 35 years, working as volunteers. As it was, I definitely got teary during preschool graduation, but I would have been falling apart if we didn't get to go back next year with Chase! 

Jacob (not pictured), Ava, Colton, Jayden, Trenton, Presley, Matthew, Lily, and Warren.

Teachers: Mrs. Mercantan, Mrs. Stigge, Pastor Bruce, Mrs. King, and Mrs. Barnes

Congrats, handsome T!