Friday, October 30, 2009

Thank You, Baby T

My rough-and-tumble boy just snuggled with me for a consecutive 17 minutes. He let me hold him close and tickle his back. What a perfect gift for a Friday. I love you, baby boy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sometimes It's Great to Be an Adult

I've been on the prowl for the perfect bedside lamps—not too tall that you see the light bulb when you're lying down reading; not too bright but not too dim; modern and fun but not too trendy... What girl doesn't thrive on this kind of a challenge? Well, this girl sure does!

I love this choice from Target and cannot wait to turn off the light tonight without getting out of the bed! It's been waaayy to long!

Here's to hoping Trenton's fascination with the new lamps will wear off soon!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's a...


Two little boys 19 months apart. This is going to be one crazy house!

Ryan was pretty convinced it was a girl, so I think it's still sinking in for him. I'm not too surprised that we're a boy family so far. Trenton is going to LOVE having someone to teach all of his tricks to. (You know...destroying the house, destroying other people's houses, terrorizing the aforementioned Primary closets, hiding Mom's cell phone in the fridge, etc.) We can't wait to see how similar and different he and Trenton will look and act. I guess Heavenly Father thinks I can handle another boy, so I'm just going to trust him on this one! What a tremendous responsibility.

My favorite part of the ultrasound was seeing his little hand flick up by his face over and over. Life is such a miracle.

Thanks for all your well wishes, everyone! We love and appreciate each of you!

(For digital scrapbooking purposes, results of the poll were 14 for boy, 19 for girl.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today is the big day! Any last minute votes on the gender are welcome! The boy vote is closing in on the girl vote.... Who knows??? Ahh!

Can't wait to "meet" you, little one!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Love This Boy!

Goodness, Trenton was hilarious this weekend.

First off, he ADORES his dad. It's so sweet to watch him stare at Ryan, try to copy his every move, and entice his daddy to chase him.

This weekend he said his first official word—"Hi!" At any opportunity, he would sneakily grab one of our cell phones, clumsily put it to his hear, and say, "Hi!" At first we weren't sure if he was doing it on purpose, but by the end of the weekend, he made himself pretty clear.

This afternoon I came around the corner and he put his hand straight up in the air and said, "Hi!" Then, just to prove to Ryan and I that he really meant it, he slowly raised his hand again and started flopping his hand in the sweetest little wave you've ever seen. (That's a big deal, because he's rarely interested in waving hi or bye.) He even said "Hi" again for us.

(For the record, "kitty" *may* have been his first word. He was chasing after a kitty at our bishop's house—arms wide open—and it sounded just like he said, "Kit-ty!" However, we don't see a lot of kitties around here, so I'm not convinced he meant to say it......)

Other big news! This weekend he finally got the hang of giving kisses—"besos" in this family. I've been trying so hard for so LONG to get him to kiss me...and finally, it is paying off! We say "Deme un beso, por favor!" or "Quiero un beso!" and he stays still until you move in close; then he plants a wet one on your lips or cheek. What is better than open-mouthed baby kisses??

Who could resist that boy??? I think this photo of him in his swim diaper is hilarious. Trenton and Ryan had a Man's Night on Friday, taking probably the last swim of the season and trying out our complex's semi-creepy sauna. (Or is it just that all saunas are semi-creepy?)

Thanks for a great weekend, boys! I cannot believe we will be a family of four before too long!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Trenton at 14 Months

I wonder how well I've been capturing Trenton's personality on this blog. At 14 months, he is so full of personality that I cannot neglect documenting it!

Words others have used to describe our child: wild, busy, ALL boy, huge. Thankfully, people also tell me how cute he is, and I get a million comments on how his hair stands straight up. ("Love that mohawk!")

I haven't raised a lot of kids (obviously :), but as far as I can tell, he is very high energy. He thrives on having a new place to explore—someone else's backyard, someone else's house, the Primary closets, a park, etc.

I love taking him on walks and he gets so excited if he is walking like a big boy, stroller free. After most of our outings, he lets me know that he does NOT want to go back to our apartment when we arrive at the front door or the patio.

He goes-goes-goes so hard that before naps and nighttime sleep, he is wiped out and ready to nuzzle that blanket on the floor, basically saying, "Mom, do you get the hint? Put me down!" I'm so grateful that my extremely active little guy is also a cuddler (at least when he's tired).

Trenton is a great sleeper. He started getting the hang of sleeping through the night at about 6 months, and I think he's been sleeping at least 10 straight hours a night since 7 months. Right now he sleeps between 11 and 12 hours, and we rarely hear a peep from him until morning. I'm so grateful!

He also is a napper. (The kid just needs his sleep! What can we say—He's a Nielsen!) He still takes two naps a day, totaling about 3 hours of daytime sleep. However, I think he's getting ready to transition to one nap, so things aren't quite as predictable as they used to be, but that's okay. (Advice on that transition is welcome.)

This boy can EAT! He puts away more food for most of his meals than I do. I'm also very grateful that we've never had any eating problems. (Knock on wood!) He will try everything I give him, though he does show his preferences by spitting it back out if he's not a big fan. (He does that with chicken almost every time.)

He hears a fair amount of Spanish at home, and the Spanish words I know he understands include cuidado, mas (more), ven (come), baile (dance), vamos, and buenos noches. As soon as he hears me say, "Vamos!" he starts prancing on his little feet, just itching to get out of our apartment.

We love you, Trenton! Thanks for being in our family!

BTW, only a week and a half till we find out the gender! Please vote on the poll to the right!