Monday, April 29, 2013

Newborn Heaven

I am in newborn heaven. It doesn't change the fact that this stage of my life is a lot of work, but something about this little lady just has me over the moon. (Maybe it's the pink!) I seriously love every little thing about her.

Precious sleep smile. 

Cheeks. :) 

Beautiful eyes! Steel gray with hints of blue. I'm eager to see how they end up. Also, impressive photography on Trenton's part! 

One of her first smiles caught on camera, at five weeks old. And some eye lashes starting to come in!

"Hi, Little Miss. It's just me, Chase." (Repeat)

"You're a good girl. You're a good girl. You're a good girl. I'm your brother. I'm your friend." He repeats sentiments like this to her all the time in the sweetest singsong voice. Chase has picked up on it too. We are so lucky they have taken so well to her! In the six weeks she has been in our home, they have never once shown her anything but love. I know what a miracle that is! 

Who doesn't love a naked baby!

I love that relaxed arm and her little outie belly button sticking up.

Thanks to Aunt Sarah for making this beautiful bow for us! It is way too cute!

I don't think I have any pictures of the two of us that aren't self-portraits. :)

I took this one several weeks ago, when she was about two weeks old. It is one of my favorites. 

And a little fun editing on this one pretty much captures how I feel about these days. The newborn glow. #dontgrowbabygirl

Monday, April 15, 2013

Comforting Quinn

Next to eating, this is Quinn's very favorite place to be.

At least six times a day, when it's time for a nap, I wrap her up and lay her here on my shoulder. Even if she's crying, it usually only takes a few minutes of rocking for her to settle down and close those eyes. That scrunched-up face just kills me! I'm always trying to catch a glimpse of it in the mirrors around our house. :) And now I have this picture. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Instagrams from Quinn's Birth

Her birth story is in the post below this one! 

Quinn's Birth Story

On the day of Quinn's due date (Saturday, March 16), I had consistent contractions for several hours in the early morning, but by the time we called my doctor, gave the hospital a heads up, and got the boys ready to go, the contractions had dissipated. I was disheartened... and maybe somewhat in shock that she still hadn't arrived. (With the boys, my water broke 11 and 15 days early, respectively.)

Monday morning (two days after my due date), the same thing happened, but I was trying hard not to get my hopes up. Again, by mid-morning the contractions had spaced out quite a bit. I had a scheduled doctor's appointment that morning, and as soon as I described the contractions as distinct—strong enough that I didn't particularly want to talk through them—Dr. Stodgel shrugged aimiably and said, "All right! You check into the hospital, I rupture your membranes, you get the epidural, and a couple of hours later you have a baby!" No big deal!

He left it up to me whether I checked in or waited to see if the contractions picked back up. Heaven knows I was ready, so I called and told Ryan to come home from work. It was time!

At 1pm, I walked myself up to the maternity ward and signed in while Ryan dropped the boys off at the Bartons' house. (We owe you!) It was surreal; I was almost incredulous that I would have a baby that day. But by 2pm, the doctor had ruptured my membranes; by 4:30 I had gotten the epidural; and by 6:15, little Quinn had arrived!

She weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces and was 22 inches long. We named her Quinn Leona—Leona having been my Grandma Wood's middle name. It is a beautiful legacy to carry, and I'm pretty sure Grandma gave her her last hug in heaven before sending her to us!

I kind of wish I weren't in this photo, because I look shrunken and somewhat shocked (which I was, because hello, I had just given birth!), but I really like Dr. Stodgel, so here it is. He also delivered Chase, so between two pregnancies, I've seen this guy a lot of times. :) I had very few questions or concerns throughout my third pregnancy, so we'd just chat like old friends during all of our visits. 

Introducing Quinn to the boys was one of my favorite parts of her birth. Trenton especially was intrigued and kept climbing up to stroke her forehead and softly say "Hi Baby Quinn." 

The highlight of my hospital stay was this text from Ryan: "Boys are on their way to pick up the girls." What a thrill to have both boys and girlS in this family! :)

When it was time to leave, the boys, Ryan, and two volunteers escorted Quinn and me out to the car in the wheelchair. Toward the end of our walk out, Ryan ran ahead to pull up the car, and he casually told the boys to "take care of Mom and Quinn." The next thing I knew I had a boy on each side of my wheelchair, each holding a handle. Everyone who passed us oohed and awed over what handsome escorts I had. They were taking their job very seriously!

We love you, Quinn Leona! You are going to be one well-loved baby sister!

Monday, April 1, 2013

She's just too beautiful!

I love this face so much! And this time around, I know how quickly they change, so I'm soaking it up and taking as many pictures as possible!

Quinn is two weeks old today and already more alert. She is now able to hang out contentedly for slightly longer stretches of time. She has been a better sleeper than I remember either of the boys being, but I think she'll outgrow her newborn sleepiness soon. :)

She smiled at me last night—while we made eye contact!! I know those smiles won't come consistently for a several more weeks, but it still made my day.

 Baby bundles really are the best.

 That face!

Unwrapped. :)